31 July 2010

Giants Syndrome: iPhone-Pad owners new desease

I've been using my iPhone for the past 4 months coming from a full qwerty phone (first the treo, then a motorola Q) and the change to a virtual keyboard has been a small trauma for me. Not being able to "feel" the keys feedback when you press them is a strange feeling, but i also realize that the biggest change with the feedback-less keyboard is when youn search for a letter.. With real keyboard we do relay on our Touch sense to find keys even without looking (aka as text while driving, txt while walling, etc).It took me 4 months to get used to the iPhone virtual keyboard, but finally I made myself comfortable, also with a savvy use of the auto-correction features.

Then suddenly I bought the iPad, and I realized that now when I use my iPhone I suffer of what I've defined "the giant syndrome".

When I type a txt message or an email with my iPhone (especially in vertical mode) I feel my hands are HUGE compared to the tiny keys. Look at my thumb!!! It covers almost a quarter of the screen!!!! I feel like I'm. Giant now! Have you experienced the same syndrome when using the iPhone after a day usage of the iPad? I did...

Location:Via Padova,Milano,Italia