08 March 2011

Viral Videos

"A viral video is one that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites and email. Viral videos often contain humorous content and include televised comedy sketches, such as The Lonely Island's Lazy Sunday and Dick in a Box, amateur video clips like Star Wars Kid the Numa Numa videos, The Evolution of Dance, Chocolate Rain on YouTube; and web-only productions such as I Got a Crush... on Obama.  Some eyewitness events have also been caught on video and have "gone viral" such as the Battle at Kruger. Humor is often a characteristic of viral videos, but not a defining one. A viral video is any video that's passed electronically, from person to person, regardless of its content.With the proliferation of camera phones, many videos are being shot by amateurs on these devices. The availability of inexpensive video editing and publishing tools allows video shot on mobile phones to be edited and distributed virally, by email or website, and between phones by Bluetooth or MMS. These consumer-shot videos are typically non-commercial, intended for viewing by friends or family."  (source: Wikipedia).

But how do yuu make the perfect viral video? Someone tried to figure it out when Smartwater asked to create a new ad campaign and apparently they have decided to take the most successfull viral videos out there, mix the ingredients together, shake it very well and create this (admittedly funny!) commercial, starring Jenny Aniston:

So, for those who have missed the points, here are in sequence the guest stars of this Jenny Aniston "video that tursn into a virus": 

The Lip Sync Kid

Any video with nice looking puppies. One of the best is:

Puppy vs. Cat

Talking Parrot Einstein
Evian Roller Babies
Giant Double Rainbow
Hit in the n...s!